[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.l2h.site/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Final-Presentation.pdf"] Good evening. Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Lambert. My topic today is about dogs. Have you seen the movie “Eight Below”? It tells how eight sled dogs tried to live in the harsh condition of Antarctic after left behind by a scientific expedition team in the storm. After 5 months when the team came back, 6 of them survived. We all know Antarctic is extremely cold and lack of resource, but who are they, and what makes them survive? You may find the answer from the three kind of dogs that I’m gonna introduce. First of all, I will talk about Siberian Husky. Next, I will introduce Alaskan Malamute. Finally, I will tell you about Samoyed. I will be glad to issue questions at the end of the presentation. Now, Siberian Husky. OK. So much for Husky. We’ll now move on to Malamute. We’ve looked at Malamute. Let’s look now at Samoyed. That’s all I have to say about sled dogs.
English Class Presentation - AirbNb
Good evening, everyone. I am Lambert.Wang. I’m a common user of AirbNb. Today I’m gonna introduce the famous house sharing website to you. I’ve divided my talk into 4 parts. First, I will give you some basic information about the company. Then I will talk about their vision, goals and strategic partnerships. Next, I will tell you about the customer base and financial highlights. Finally, I will present other information. My presentation will last 4 minutes. I’m happy to field questions at the end of the presentation. Let’s start with company history. AirbNb is founded by Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia in San Francisco in 2007. Now it has over 3,000,000 lodging listings in 65,000 cities and 191 countries. Right, so the company mission is to help creating a world where you can belong anywhere and where people can live a place, instead of just traveling to it. AirbNb doesn’t provide houses itself. Instead, registered house owners from all over the world are the main partners and AirbNb charges 3%-5% host service fee from them. Now let’s move on to customer base. Well, AirbNb welcomes people from all over the world at any age to use the website for finding their suitable place to live. At most time, customers are at their 20’s to 60’s. Unfortunately, since AirbNb hasn’t started its IPO, the avenue hasn’t been exposed. But considering it fast growth, the profit YoY should be considerable. Finally, the official website of AirbNb is www.airbnb.com, once you sign up, you will get a coupon that values 200 RMB. If you use my user-code to register, both you and me will get the coupon. The coupon could be used when you reservation fee is higher than 1000 OK. So this is my presentation and thank you for listening. Any question is welcomed.
一直对Airbnb蛮有好感度的,心里也默认为境外出游的首选。 最早L&H’s Site也有上线到AbNb准备接待世界各地的客人,但由于考虑到房东打款方式过于繁琐,便又做了下线。 听闻AbNb为了进一步开拓中国市场,近日为自己起了个本土化的名字 – 爱彼迎。应该是想表达“让爱彼此相迎“的意思吧。 不过仔细读一读,“二饼”,Hin本土化啊,和成都Hin搭啊 :mrgreen: 。 去看了下房东打款,还不支持支付宝或者微信,看来还是要再等一等咯!
今天小站为大家解锁下成都”天府通”公交卡使用姿势。 【卡片长相】
- 地铁站 天府通售卡点
- 地铁站 自助售卡充值机(可买到异形卡,纪念卡,家不远的磨子桥站就有)
- 各大红旗超市
- 街边小卖部
- 小店提供一张标准卡免费借用
巴蜀文化特色 - 川剧
川剧,是中国传统戏曲剧种之一,2006年5月20日经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。 川剧中有很多经典的绝活,如藏刀、皮金滚灯,以及大家熟知的变脸和吐火,现在还融入了传统四川民间绝技杖头木偶(看到过木偶变脸和吐火吗?) 现代人已经很少看戏剧了,包括博主2人也是近日才第一次到剧场观看川剧演出。到场后发现现场基本上都是日本、韩国、台湾的旅行团,也有少数大陆同胞的身影。 整场70分钟,这门传统艺术在现代化设备的辅助展示下,给大伙呈现了一个完整生动的故事。其中穿插了川剧经典的唱法、绝活,加上有名家大师的演绎,总体上感觉绝对超值!强烈推荐!